Clearing the Noise that Blocks Intuition
A 5-min. practice to sort Monkey Mind thoughts from your true knowing
Hey, Brave One. We’re here to trust our inner knowing, so we can express our truth. If those ‘reasonable’ voices in your head ever compete with your gut, today’s 5-minute Fine Tuner exercise (below👇🏽) is for us. But first, a spontaneous song for a good dog and the Salish Sea.
What leads you astray from your inner knowing?
It’s a sunny September day in Seattle. Clouds and rain will soon descend like a dark blanket for half a year. I flourish with sunlight and open water swims and do my best creating on a beach. My window of joy closes soon…
Can I squeeze in some beach time today? And walk Liz, the sweet dog I’m watching?
I ask my Soul. She shows me how. Take Liz on a lil 10-minute walk, then hit the beach ALONE with my journal and a new microphone to sing for water.
BUT: I planned to give Liz a longer walk today. I even told her.
It’s always the ‘buts’ that kick my intuitive knowing in the ass.
The Monkeys in my mind state all the reasons why I shouldn’t follow my gut. Such as, “Liz has been cooped up for days.” My People-Pleaser Monkey will even put dogs first!
I grab my creative gear and head to the beach with Liz. The tide is so high we can’t walk there. Wah! What now? My gut says, “Take her home, then find a beach spot to work.”
Do I follow my gut and take Liz home?
No. I tell myself it’s out of the way, I don’t have time, etc.
I call this an Intuition Override. It never ends well.
How does the Universe teach me to follow my gut?
When I follow habitual thoughts instead of my intuitive knowing, I get consequences:
Liz resists walking down the 122 steps to the beach, then she eats otter poop.🤢
Two folx occupy the only shady logs on the remaining sliver of sand.
I drag Liz under a tree to take an important call; the tide crashes into us.
I coerce Liz into the seawater and wade to a partly rotten log to sit.
I get out my gear and try to record. Liz licks me, whines, puts her paw on my leg, and yanks her leash to find dead crabs to munch on.
It’s utterly impossible to do anything on this beach with Liz. 🤪 Hilarious!
If Monkey Mind thoughts stop you from following your gut…
Try the Fine Tuner to sort the signal from the noise. See you in the comments 💗
It’s brave to trust your gut. We all get a little braver with support. Members can join a monthly Brave Creative Ritual for 25% off < click link ($40/year = $3.75/month, .87/week)
Today’s 5-minute exercise: The Fine Tuner

May this 5-minute practice deepen your access to your inner knowing voice. This video features my ridiculous alter-ego Queen Poopicina sharing a spontaneous song and the potty-mouth, ‘Holy Sh*t’ 💩 version of the tool. Or follow the steps below.
Fine Tuner: How can I access my Intuition?
BREATHE deeply. CONSIDER a challenge that is both confusing and important. ASK: “What can I do about...?”
TUNE IN to your thoughts. LISTEN for different voices and tones, like radio stations. Do some sound bossy, mean, repetitive or distracting?
IMAGINE using a fine-tuning app to separate the noise of these old ‘programs‘ from the clear channel within that knows what’s right for you.
ASK again. ADJUST the controls to tune in to your wise inner voice. (Hint: This voice is very direct. It doesn’t use a lot of words or reasons or try to convince you. Also, it could be a feeling or an image instead of an inner voice).
REFLECT when done: “I heard... ”
Creative Prompts to Fine Tune your Inner Channels
EXPLORE: Journal or share about your challenge and what the Fine Tuner revealed to you (in the comments👇🏽?)
CREATE: Record various comments from your inner monologue. How does the wise one sound? What does it say? How is it different from other self-talk?
MANIFEST: Tune in to your wise voice every morning this week. Ask, listen, trust what you learn, and follow up with action. Just like muscles, your intuition gets stronger with use!
🗣️ Your turn: share your voice.
Do you have a dog? How do you get sh*t done???
Tell us about a time you ignored your gut. How did things go?
What did the Fine Tuner meditation tell or show you?
Thank you for tuning in to your inner guidance 💝 If you enjoyed this playful, deep exploration, please click the heart, comment, and/or share with a friend.
PS: We all do better with support. Join our Mostly Brave Creative Crew, 25% off with this link. More to come,
Dogs do march to the beat of a different drum, don’t they!💩. I don’t have a dog any more. I was never good at training them, but I loved having them around. They were good companions and easy to talk to.
Thank you for your reflections. I need to fine tune. Fall is a time when the business of life presents itself with demands for time. “Please come teach every Wednesday.” “let’s start our Zoom fellowship back up.” “We need to schedule maintenance for the house.” “Can you babysit on Tuesdays?”
Unexpected things pop up. Illness pops up snd I make a very good chicken soup. A friend needs comfort after losing her husband. Old colleagues want to meet for happy hour.
I am retired, but it doesn’t seem that way.
The busy life sneaks back in and I no longer sit in stillness in the morning. The journal lays empty and I find myself longing to go away and find a beach and a dog and some peace—even if eating poop is part of the dog journey.
…two dogs and by virtue the only thing i do or think about doing is dog…i am dog…your dog sounds like good people…