Sep 27Liked by Christine Castigliano

Dogs do march to the beat of a different drum, don’t they!💩. I don’t have a dog any more. I was never good at training them, but I loved having them around. They were good companions and easy to talk to.

Thank you for your reflections. I need to fine tune. Fall is a time when the business of life presents itself with demands for time. “Please come teach every Wednesday.” “let’s start our Zoom fellowship back up.” “We need to schedule maintenance for the house.” “Can you babysit on Tuesdays?”

Unexpected things pop up. Illness pops up snd I make a very good chicken soup. A friend needs comfort after losing her husband. Old colleagues want to meet for happy hour.

I am retired, but it doesn’t seem that way.

The busy life sneaks back in and I no longer sit in stillness in the morning. The journal lays empty and I find myself longing to go away and find a beach and a dog and some peace—even if eating poop is part of the dog journey.

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How true, and how lovely, Linda. Yes, Fall often feels overly full for me, too. May Fine Tuning help us navigate, dog poop and all!

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…two dogs and by virtue the only thing i do or think about doing is dog…i am dog…your dog sounds like good people…

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