Responding to your comment about being born in Fremont. My parents moved to Seattle which is where I grew up. There and in Bellevue/Medina. Lived on Lake Washington. Came to California and haven't felt the need to move again. San Francisco, Berkeley, and Marin County were good to me. I submitted my responses to the Oldsters' Questionnaire and then was told that my life story was too triggering for the audience of that Substack and so it did not get published. As a (now retired) psychotherapist I've heard many stories that were much more horrendous than mine. I look forward to reading your substack.

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Wow. Interesting. We have so much in common, John, including a super triggering past! I'm currently editing my auto-fiction novel, and try to be careful handling the details so they are not so triggering. My dad is a retired psychotherapist and a minister, too. I'm going to tag you on a Substack pal's recent note about her tough past which resulted in over 6k people liking and commenting on her resilience.

I want my Substack to become a place that can publish brave stories like ours. If you want to send me what you submitted to Sara Bolton, I'll take a look. If you want to see a tiny bit of my story, some of it was published here at Create Me Free, a substack on art and mental health. https://createmefree.substack.com/p/answer-in-images-art-and-mental-health-d74

Thank you for this conversation!

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