Sep 18Liked by Christine Castigliano

Love this! Your work is so needed in the world. Thank you for sharing your passion and heart.

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Hey Christine, this is an exceptional essay with excellent tools. I love working on emotional intelligence and releasing toxic residue leftover from all kinds of power over Dynamics and the insanity of life. I think you said 65% of adults have experienced early childhood abuse.

I’ve worked as a body centered Hakomi therapist for years, but it wasn’t until a few years ago that I had my own personal epic release of rage. Fluid poured from every orifice.

It’s a longer story, but the depth of joy that I experience now is as epic if not even more so.

not only did Harris have appropriate facial expressions she was emotionally relational and appeared very alive in her body. Good to see.

Thank you for this beautiful essay!

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My Dear, Thank You for your gorgeous response. I'm getting inspired: perhaps a convo with you about relationship of rage to joy? so related. so epic. More to come...

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That would be epic. I haven’t written about this yet but it’s coming and not to be forgotten… thank you for your fierce light!

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…deep shares and insights (as always)… we flushed as a family…mostly in around and on eachother…not hygienic in the least…but maturity and/or even grasp of the powers of our feeling was deeply repressed…how odd that in repression we became rage and abuse…eventually isolation and apathy…and now clearly some sarcasm and soap…release is so valuable…but valued and valuable releases even more so…keep on magic…

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Dear Mr. Foote, I hesitate to 'like' your important, vulnerable comment, because I do not wish to imply that I "Like" what happened! You are so not alone. Repression is NOT hygienic either! But our forebears lived by it. Thank you for your MAGIC, sir.

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