I used to be afraid to sing alone in the car because I didn't want anyone stopped at a traffic light next to me to see me singing to myself. Can you imagine? God forbid someone see me enjoying myself. Its so ridiculous. I got over that habit, though, literally not until in the last year.

I love this post and I love the sense of freedom that you imbue it with!

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Oh dear! Thanks so much for this story. Our culture is so effed!! That we'd inherit this fear of singing - and moving - saddens me. These are some of the most natural and best things that humans can do. And we do it openly, brazenly, all around the world! Yay for taking on your conditioning (what I call monkeys of fear.) Sing ON 🙌🏽

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Mar 8Liked by Christine Castigliano

Love your idea of imaging wearing the most comfortable, relaxing clothing in the universe. This is something I often bring into my practices. It is such an interesting practice to notice the sense and quality of experience, dancing, moving, writing... just being... in relation to the clothes on the body

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Thank you 🙏🏽 Faye! Where I live near Seattle it’s too freaking cold for the kind of clothes I imagine (I’m in 4 layers of purple wool right now). In my dreams or travels I’m wearing the lightest most diaphanous barely there wear – maybe a little bit Stevie Nicks vibe? How about you?

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Mar 8Liked by Christine Castigliano

Oooooh yeah I totally get the Stevie Nicks vibe from you. Even in four layers of purple wool. Love that visual! I'm about to go practice some spiraling movement; I'm imagining a garment that perfectly spirals around each limb, around my torso, my neck. Something that moves and reminds me to let go of the tension with each trip round the body. It's definitely see through.

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Woohoo 🙌🏽 spirals are US. You’re dancing to the universe

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