Jun 28Liked by Christine Castigliano

My favorite thing about this is the example of how temporary our feelings can be, when we’re aware and allow them to guide us. You’re a beautiful human, Christine. Thank you for sharing this.

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Aww 🥰 Thank you so much, Kelsey. My heart is happy to know you.

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so true - what can feel to be the end of the world does phase away - unless of course it is the end of the world! in tat case hold on tight and sing?!

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Totally. Thank you Dr. Williams. We who sing together are practicing so we can hold kind, gentle space for singing us out of this world into another!

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it is difficult is it not - and I can get in a loop when I then get annoyed at myself for not remembering that I am in so many ways privileged. That if I am stewing over a slight or irritating situation how lucky I am this is considered a "problem" I love the ideas you are expressing. For me finding these processes you can do to take yourself out of the head and back into love for want of a better word is brilliant.

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Ha! I love this, Dr. Lucy: how we add annoyance for 'not remembering our privilege.' These days, I consciously focus on re-wiring my self-blaming habits (even minor).

To soften and whisper, "it's okay, darlin" (like the unconditional loving parent I didn't have) is a tiny act of self-love that benefits the collective.

I'm excited to hang with other square peg women you are inviting here!

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All hail the Square Peg!! so much better not to try and squish yourself into holes! My first post will be issued forth today - LAUNCH DAY - woo hooo Eastern time USA eastern time ^pm if I have understood the world clock correctly!

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Jun 28Liked by Christine Castigliano

...lots of heart messages from the cosmos today i guess i better pay attention (and pump it up again later...i love my heart, my aarow or sail, maybe just the butt of my boat...sometimes i fear it, thinking of those i know or don’t who have bad ones, real or imagined...staring at these bayside crows and thinking the size of the heart doesn’t matter, just that it exists...all this thought just proof my mind prefers to be first in line at life’s buffet...i get grumpy like a cat as i am shaken away from a nap i needed nine naps ago...my current relationship to time is hobbyist excavator...i’m not very good at finding it but when i do i marvel at its existence and show all my friends over-enthusiastically before putting it in a plastic paint bucket and looking for more...staring at the recently closed horse track in the distance, happy for the horses that don’t have to race anymore, wondering about the daytime gamblers who lost their hobby...i went to the second to last race there a month back and lost all my bets but one...i thought i would be grumpier but the poetry of pretend purpose tied to unsolveable odd math problems masked in the creativity of animals named “Herbie’s Revenge” and “Hoof Knows”made me feel my lost wages were worth it...thanks for the exercise...

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Love your Free Range Heart-Mind-Butt! 💗 🧠 🍑

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Jun 28Liked by Christine Castigliano

...available for $29.95 a pound at your nearest grocer's freezer...

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🤣 A steal at half the price

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