
How to Stop Time (like Groundhog Day)

Take 5 minutes to Practice the Pause, so you can moderate Mr. Mad Monkey 🐒

Happy Groundhog Day! Do you love the 1993 Bill Murray movie, like I do? A classic tale of a loudmouth jerk who changes his ways, with the magic of time and do-overs. If mad little Monkeys ever make you lose your cool and act like a jerk (like me) the Stop Watch tool is for you.

Follow along in the ‘Live from the Loo’ video above, featuring my alter-ego Queen Poopicina reading the potty-mouth ‘Holy Sh*t’ version of the tool, and a spontaneous semi-weird song. OR jump down to read the steps below.

He’s a Groundhog, not a Monkey. Close enough.

Sometimes a Brave Voice sounds like a pissed-off voice.

Last week, I bombasted my sweetheart for over-giving his time and energy. To his best friend, who is dying.

Yikes! Surprise Monkey attack 🙊 If only I’d remembered the Pause. I could have been a supportive spouse instead of a screaming meanie.

To be fair, I spent decades stifling my true feelings (“because conflict sucks, and it’s best to hold everything in,” say the Monkeys of Trauma). These days, I sometimes allow my brave voice to go too far in the other direction, sharing my truth way-too-muchly. Is that ever you, too?

The Pause is a magical, expansive moment to take a breath and shift perspective. Which can melt that Monkey business before the damage is done.

The Stop Watch Tool: How can I see things differently?

The power of the Pause is magic for diffusing tense shit-uations.
  • BREATHE deeply, get comfortable.

  • RECALL a situation when you felt very frustrated, annoyed or angry at someone.

  • IMAGINE holding a Stop Watch in your hand. Notice its weight, material, size, color. Click the button to magically stop time, and pause.

  • STOP and WATCH what was really happening. Notice what you’re doing, thinking, feeling.

  • SHIFT your perspective to a higher viewpoint, so you can see the bigger picture. NOTICE how the other(s) may be thinking and feeling. Does this affect your attitude or actions?

  • REFLECT: In the pause, I noticed...

Make it Real: Practice the pause

  • EXPLORE: Tell or write what you observed in the pause. Act on any new insights (e.g. apologies?)

  • CREATE: Sketch a simple diagram of the situation from a bird’s eye view, noting the players’ perspectives.

  • MANIFEST: This week, use the Stop Watch to pause a difficult situation, so you can shift to a higher perspective. Notice if this affects how you react.

Know someone who enjoys mindfulness hacks? Thanks for sharing.


🎤 Let me know…

  • What really pisses you off? How do you express it?

  • Any big regrets about losing your cool, like I do? Would pausing help?

  • Could a Pause improve a personal, political, or planetary shit-uation?

Thank you for practicing the Sacred Pause. If this is encouraging, please like, share, and subscribe for more stories, semi-weird songs, and short practices to support your brave creative voice. More to come!

Joy of the Week: making new friends, taking a cold swim in the Salish Sea

A pause for a cold plunge always scares away the Monkeys!

More to come,

As a multi-passionate elder, I’ve faced the Monkeys of Fear in many creative corners. 🙉🙊🙈My work has appeared in Time Magazine, feature films and television, newspapers, and YA fantasy novels; I wrestled with a fear of singing to perform on stages and festivals on the West Coast. Today’s 5-min. practice is from HeartsQuest and Holy Sh*T! creative healing decks, used by therapists, oracle lovers, and People who Poo. 💩 More at HeartsQuest.com. 💗

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