
Prayers for a New Now

Let the calm waters of the Salish Sea wash over you, as we call on support for our nervous systems and all our relations.

Brave Creatives, as we find ourselves Here and now, let’s offer solace and strength to each other, to weather this next phase. Our voices, our presence, our work, are needed more than ever. May this water prayer serve you now.

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May this water soothe your spirit. May this flow in and out give you a sense of a bigger perspective, that life goes on living, as it will, as it does.

May you find ways to calm your nervous system. And yet, please don't - please don't step aside from the grief of right now. It's real.

Help each other. Be there. Call each other up. Let each other know that we're here. That we're holding each other in love.

And respect the goodness, kindness, the things that feel like they've been abandoned. Life goes on. Life goes on. Life goes on.

And may these waves remind us of the depths that we can go to. We can feel the depths of despair and anger and rage and hate even for each other. And trust that there's something bigger, bigger than us going on here. We don't know what the future holds.

May we show up for each other. May we teach each other our skills. May we share our healing ways. May we make art as an act of beautiful defiance. May we tend to our heart fires.

May we care for each other. Reach out. Anybody who's extra vulnerable right now, let them know that you care. Let them know that you're here. Let them know. Bring soup.

We can solidify our resources, our strengths, our support systems. And show up for the world that we believe in. May it be so. And it is so.

We still have capacity to bring kindness, goodness, truth. If not justice, we don't know about justice! We cannot rely on what past generations thought would carry us.

May you strengthen your local support systems. Find the sources of food and water and medicine. Strengthen your understanding of who can do what for whom.

Yeah, make a plan. Make a plan for how you will share in this time, in this new now, in this new moment.

So much love. So much love. So much love.

🗣️ Share your brave voice.

  1. How are you calming yourself? Staying sane? Or not? 😭😳🤪

  2. How will you hold your vision of what matters most, in the face of adversity?

  3. What skills and resources can you share with vulnerable ones in your life?

Thank you for being you! And for being here in these Crazy Daze of recalibration and mourning. If this prayer resonates with you, please like, comment, share with a friend who’d enjoy a bigger perspective. I love you all, Brave Creatives.

More to come,

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