Dream On: How to Awaken a Lucid Life
A 5-minute practice to access powerful images from your unconscious mind
Hey, Brave Reader! We’re here to melt fear so we can share our truth. If exploring your inner worlds helps you respond to life’s puzzles, today’s 5-min. dreaming practice is for you. Plus, a soothing song for our sponsor, Water.
Last week, I leapt out of bed while dreaming.
Do you explore the mysterious worlds of dreams? Dreams often point to what Carl Jung called the Shadow, parts of ourselves that we avoid or hide from. The Shadow can block our true expression of self, while dreams can expand our most brave creative visions. (I’ve kept dream journals since I was 12. So grateful for startling dreams in my 20s and 30s that showed me the false masks I wore, and pointed to pathways of wholeness).
In my nightmare, a Dude in White - a total-body onesie - points his finger at me. I knew that if he touched me, I’d die. He got super close, so I actually jumped out of bed while sleeping and landed on the wood floor! 🤪 Ouch! I’m still laughing about it. But WTF is he trying to tell me? Time to explore…
Why connect with the Dreamtime?
My top dreaming mentor was Arnold Mindell, a brilliant psychologist who passed away last month. Mindell combined deep expertise in quantum physics, psychology, Taoism, and the Aboriginal Australian concept of Dreamtime. He showed how inner experiences and sensations can open lucid worlds beyond our linear, concrete reality:
A 'dreaming process' goes beyond nighttime dreams and body symptoms to include daydreams, imagery and flickers of awareness that come and go…'Dreaming' can be defined as 'the unconscious activity of the person, both when asleep and awake'.1
Mindell believed in dreaming into our intuition, or what he called ‘flirts,’ for deep insights into all challenges, including conflicts at every level.
Should I revisit my nightmarish Dude in White?
I find a quiet space, close my eyes, and invite him to share his perspective. He says:
“I came to literally wake you up. I represent your powerful life pattern to be Good. But notice: I have no voice. I have no vision (no eyes.) When you unconsciously enact the ideal of being Good, you do what others want you to do. You avoid your true, brave mission.”
Yikes. 😳 The Dude in White mirrors my recent astrology reading by
’ ., plus “Good Girl,” an inner character from my one-woman show.2 He prompts me to reconsider people-pleasing habits that inhibit my Brave missions!What about you? Let’s dream into your multiverse.
Today’s game invites support from the lucid realms. See you in the comments 💗
Today’s 5-minute practice: Dream Catcher
May this 5-minute journey of imagination reveal insights for your path. This video features my ridiculous alter-ego Queen Poopicina sharing the potty-mouth, ‘Holy Sh*t’ 💩 version (beginning 1:51, after an intro) Or follow the steps below.
The Dream Catcher: How to receive insights from dreams?
LAY DOWN if you can. BREATHE deeply, with long sighs. Feel your body sinking down.
IMAGINE a Dream Catcher nearby. Notice its shape, materials, color. Ask for help and guidance with a current situation (please read the next 4 steps, then close your eyes to enter this daydream, a journey of imagination).
ENVISION yourself walking. Feel your feet. Notice your surroundings. Any colors, scents, or sounds?
You SEE a figure coming closer. Notice details. After a greeting, they offer a message or gift.
RECEIVE the gift or message. Open it, or take in the message fully. Be sure to GIVE THANKS, and say goodbye
RETRACE your steps back, and REFLECT on your journey.
Creative Prompts to bring your dreams to life
EXPLORE: Tell someone or journal your daydream (in the comments? 👇🏽👇👇🏽)
CREATE: Make a simple drawing or poem about the dream figure and their gift for you.
MANIFEST: This week, repeat 3 times daily: “I will recall my dreams tonight.” Stash some paper or a journal and pen by your bed to note images upon waking.
🗣️ Your turn: What are you dreaming?
Do you follow your dreams? Use a dream journal?
What’s your weirdest dream ever? Did you ever react physically while sleeping?
If you tried this practice, did you get a message from your daydream? If not, have you ever received insights in a similar inner journey?
Thank you for Dreaming into this moment. 💝 When you like, comment, subscribe, or share with a dreamer you know, you help us become more Brave. I’m thrilled to offer new spaces for your Brave Creative dreams!
Love Song for the Mississippi
More to come,
Arnold Mindell revolutionized our understanding of consciousness and inner, somatic experiences in over 20 books, including “DreamBody: The Body's Role in Revealing the Self” and "Dreaming While Awake: Techniques for 24-hour Lucid Dreaming,"
“Spark Story: Making Friends with Fear and her Nicey, Spicey, Freaky, Sneaky Ways,” is my one-woman musical about inner protector parts and overcoming fears of singing in public.
...i dreamed i was a cannibal drug dealer and i believe the message i researched it to mean was to stop caring about money...this week i dreamt four nights in a row and everything was dramatic but intangible...like a symphony set to angry color...i think sometimes when i have guests i may be having their dreams too...i hope not though that seems intrusive...