I absolutely will! I actually sat with the whole concept during some energy work this morning and there was so much richness in it...it was, interestingly enough, full of LIFE!

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That’s the crazy thing – we avoid it so hard, but death ☠️ is so VITAL and life-affirming!

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Such an inspired and inspiring creative force, dear friend. So happy you have launched and I look forward to steeping in your musings and wisdoms here. Many blessings on your new creation! XOXOX

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Aww 🥰 you’re the bestest. Thank you for inspiring me to keep going! Posting on IFS soon… 🥰💗🥰

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Christine! What a glorious and inspiring post and WHAT a WONDERFUL video! I knew that you dance every morning, but I didn't know you were dancing with your beloved skeleton! Thank you so much for this, so much inspiration to help me shift in deep ways. Brava, dear one! xoSS

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Thank YOU 🙏🏽 Darlin! Give it a try. I danced with her yesterday pre-dawn and wept for the beauty and privilege of being alive...

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