I can barely move my legs w/o pain. That aside, my wife Beth will absolutely love discovering DANCE LIKE EVERYBODY’S WATCHING!

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Oh Gary, that must be tough. Thanks for sharing with your wife Beth!

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Beth’s headed out tonight to partake of disco dancing! Your inspiration quickly had the intended effect! And thanks for inspiring me.

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Christine, this is the highlight of my day! I will work hard to not postpone my joy. Thank you for sharing. :)

1. Last time I danced: The last time I really danced was... so long ago I can't remember. I do get up on roller skates from time to time which is sort of dancing since there's always music going, but the last time I skated was weeks ago. I think I'm overdue for a real dance party.

2. Am I part of a creative community: Yes! Substack namely, but I also drop into a skate night once in awhile. It's been quite some time though, so again, I'm overdue.

3. Favorite dance jam(s): Anything by Dee-lite, Underdog by Sly and the Family Stone, Cream by Prince... I could go on.

4. When I do dance, I try to dance with abandon.

Thanks again, Christine, for making my day! :)

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WooHoo Heidi! πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’—πŸ™ŒπŸ½ I'm so glad to hear this: the highlight of my day. You are a very Brave Creative to roller skate. I can't take all the heavy bruising, it's like I've beaten myself up with all the falling 🀣 but it's so fun when you get in a groove with the tunes. Love your tunes, BTW. (note to self: post spotify playlists!) Thanks and more to come...

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Yes on the playlists!

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Learning to dance is also a great way to get those neurons firing. Free dance or choreographed, keep moving.

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Totally! Thanks for this, Ilona. I'm on a continuous dance experiment: to move even slightly during other activities, writing this!, making espresso, watching Dune...

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Love this! Thank you for the reminder to β€œlet loose” every so often πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

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Thanks so much, Suzanne. Your LifeWalk could also be a dance...

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