Welcome, friends, it’s Flourishing Friday. What’s your heart’s desire for this new year? Any Monkey business getting in your way (already?!) It’s truly, deeply, ok. Today’s 5-minute creative practice (jump below) invites you back to the heart of kindness.
Do you have a bit of the Rebel in you?
Do you run from trouble? Or from conventional things? Does your Rebel have a big fat attitude about it all?
I fiercely believe in making friends with the unconscious energies within. After my video post on archetypes featuring my inner Rebel Monkey, he showed up.
I hate all the things everybody does! Small talk. Chitchat about the weather. Do NOT share pix of what you’re eating. Or holiday family selfies. Resolutions? No, thank you! Can’t we just do a deep dive into meaning, nature, the persistence of the soul after death?
In a word, Rebel Monkey is Weird. He goes against the grain.
My Heart knows: Conventional action bring humans together. Doing the normal thing is comforting to many. It’s okay to go along with the herd.
My Soul knows: Deep down, my Rebel Monkey wants to feel free to be exactly who I am, regardless of what others are up to.
But there’s a downside for being truly, madly, deeply Authentic. (Rebel says, “yikes, do you have to use that friggin’ buzzword!”). Being Wyrd1 can feel lonely. We miss out on that group safety. Resonance. Unity.
My heart knows I’m not alone. Rebels cling together (were you that kid in the corner of the cafeteria with the other artists and weirdos?) We can (and do) invite others to play a different game with us.
May we all find our people, the ones we can be weird with!
My wish for you is to access the full range of your potential energy. Part of rebellion is to free yourself from old stories that run the show. A few Qs for us Rebels:
How has cultural conditioning programmed you to stay safe, and small? In what ways do you rebel against that?
When does Rebel energy create some not-so-great choices? Do you flare up or run away when things get tense or hard?
It’s OK to be YOU. Exactly who you are, as you are. Today’s practice helps when it’s scary.
Inner Smile: How can I get back ‘home’ when I’m triggered?

Today’s 5-minute practice is a moment to regroup when you might feel alone, too weird, or too different. Follow this video featuring my ridiculous alter-ego sharing the ‘Holy Sh*t’ version, with a spontaneous Gospel-style song. Or scroll to the steps below.
RECALL a recent time when you felt stressed, anxious or emotionally upset.
BREATHE deep, feet on floor, and sigh: “Ahhh...”
FEEL the sensation of a smile inside your body.
IMAGINE someone you love and respect, or RECALL a very pleasant, peaceful experience.
NOTICE details, sounds, smells, sensations.
ALLOW a warm energy like sunshine to fill your face, eyes, jaw and lips. RELAX into a full smile.
VISUALIZE the feeling of love and kindness filling your heart and body with pulsing light.
REFLECT when done: “I feel...”
Creative Prompts to encourage loving kindness & self-compassion
EXPLORE: Write or share how it feels to smile inwardly.
CREATE: Play music that lifts you up. Make a simple picture or story about being kind to yourself. Share it.
MANIFEST: This week, practice Inner Smile before sleep. Gently remind yourself: in moments of turmoil, you can breathe and recreate the Inner Smile.
Thank you for bringing yourself back home, to self-compassion. 💝 When you click like, comment, share with someone who could use a boost, or subscribe, you help more of us be brave in a world running on fear.
JOY of the WEEK: Day Before New Year’s swim in the Salish Sea
As Brave Creatives, we face Monkeys of Fear when we share our unique voices. 🙉🙊🙈 So let’s grow more support for compassion, courage, and connection. My work has been seen in Time Magazine, feature films and television, newspapers, and YA fantasy novels; and a one-woman musical on West Coast stages. HeartsQuest and Holy Sh*T! creative healing decks are used by therapists, oracle lovers, and People who Poo. 💩 More at HeartsQuest.com. 💗
Wyrd: a concept in Anglo-Saxon culture roughly corresponding to fate or personal destiny.